Training Activity
Bioagricoop organizes training activities on national and international organic standards and regulations, for operators, technicians and inspectors.
- In house training
- On field training
Bioagricoop is also involved in training at international level, particularly in Third Countries where training represents a strategic tool for the enhancement and development of local communities. Bioagricoop seeks to contextualize the training practice to the actual situation and to define actions to promote the knowledge and skills of the operators in order to ensure an effective transfer of know-how that enables continuous improvement of local conditions.
Bioagricoop carries out international training through partnerships with local Certification Bodies or local Institutions and also thanks to the projects, co-funded by the European Union and the Italian State, of which Bioagricoop is often Executing Body.
In house training
We work to enhance organisation’s performance.
Tailored to meet particular objectives and deliver exceptional results on specific issues.
On field training
Oon field training is very useful to apply skills and knowledge learned in the classroom and to demonstrate competencies.
It is also useful to test how people integrate in the operative context.


Agro-Homeopathy training course

Thaifex 2015 Bangkok, Thailand

Good morning Italy 2014 Jakarta

Biofach India November 2016

Food Hospitality World India 2015

Biofach 2015 Brasile
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