Thaifex 2015 Bangkok
Participation Exhibition Thaifex, seminar information, promotional event in Hotel.
The Thaifex, one of the most important fairs of food industries throughout Asia, will be held in Bangkok from 20 to 24 May 2015. With the experience gained in recent years in other fairs, Bioagricoop will set up a stand of 36sqm space devoted to Italian companies.
Thaifex-World of Food Asia is an international exhibition dedicated to food and beverage, and the last edition has collected more than a thousand exhibitors and over 25 thousand operators and buyers from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Vietnam from 125 nations.
In the same days of the Fair, taking advantage of the visibility of the event and the presence of numerous experts, an information seminar will be held.
This type of initiative will target the identified targets and aim to lead them to the knowledge of specific aspects of the production chains of organic products in Europe.
One evening, during the course of the Fair, will be entirely devoted to a promotional event in an Italian restaurant in the Thai capital, organized in partnership with Fiere di Parma and ITC Bangkok. Biaogricoop will have the opportunity to present some typical dishes of the Mediterranean diet, strictly from Europe and from organic crops.
The main purpose of this initiative is to educate the taste and bring operators and consumers to organic food, but also to their value and to the unique taste of certain preparations. Differences between organic and conventional foods, their method of cultivation, control and contribution to environmental sustainability will be explained. In addition to didactic information and informational messages, cultural contents such as meal preparation and combined use of different foods and beverages will be presented as well.