A very important part of Bioagricoop activity is represented by cooperation projects.Bioagricoop participates, as project leader or project partner, in national and international projects, usually co-finaced by the European Union and/or the Italian State.
Bioagricoop concentrates its efforts mostly on projects related to the promotion of European organic and typical products in non EU countries (i.e. China, South East Asia, India, Latin America etc.) or in the promotion of organic farming practices and sustainable development in Third Countries.
The most relevant projects are below.;

Organicity 2019-2021
Organicity Project starts in 2019!
Organicity is a project that promotes organic products of italian and polish producers on US and South East Asia markets: Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand.
European Union makes us stronger!
The project will last until 2021 and it is cofinanced by Chafea and it is realized with our partner Polska Ekologia, a polish non-profit organization born in 2006 which contributes to the promotion and development of organic farming, producing and processing of organic food both at national and international level.
In this way we can propose a selection of organic products from two different countries with a different kind of production (mediterranean/middle europe) and the same passion for organic production.
1) To improve the awareness of consumers as well as operators in each target country of the labels containing the Community logo of organic farming and increase consumers’ knowledge so that they are able to search, recognize and choose products from EU organic farming in a clear and conscious way. In this sense, the project aims to encourage the consumption of organic foods.
2) To increase the trust of consumers and trade operators contacted in each target country in EU products coming from organic farming, by spreading the knowledge about:
- the basic principles of organic farming and production method as well as EU control and certification system, products labelling and use of the Community logo;
- Food safety as result of EU organic production method and control procedures. The consumers will be also informed about the concept of “quality” - which food safety is a prerequisite basis of -, by deepening the meaning of the term and the elements that contribute to the definition of its complexity;
- Values associated with EU organic products such as: respect for the environment, naturalness, the information and transparency, the value of certification, the product traceability and authenticity, ethical values and welfare for animals.
3) To increase the confidence of the target groups (consumers, importers, distributors and restaurateurs) contacted in each target countries in EU organic products, by informing them about the intrinsic characteristics of organic farming products, in terms of:
- Nutritional aspects as a component tied mainly to eating habits;
- The taste, way of cooking and of consuming, main combinations between the different products, in order to transfer to the target groups the know-how about the consumption of EU organic products.
Opportunities for italian companies and producers
The project aims to increase cultural awareness and, at the same time, to improve the marketing condition of the members companies. Organicity membership means not only to join a single international fair with a small booth with the risk of being anonymous, but be part of an international network with the possibility to grow your business network.
International Food Fairs and beyond
The participation to International Fairs is preminent, but it is different than having an individual participation. Organicity logo is an official framework recognized by European Commission that comprehends different companies. In this way, with a collective promotional effort, every company become stronger.
Thaifex: Bangkok 28705-01/06/2019
Summer Fancy Food: New York 23-25/06/2019
Food Hotel Asia: Singapore 31/03-03/04/2020
- Expowest Los Angeles 3-7/03/2020
Every project activity aims to the expansion of the european organic market and to the establishment of the members in the target countries through promotional activities and awareness campaign.
- EU organic weeks in POS: special event that will prefer the high-quality supermarkets, hypermarkets and shopping malls. The targets of these actions are the high-income consumers who will have the possibility to taste the products.
- Networking dinner: will be targeted to the most interesting operators met during the Fairs and the promotional activities, as well as the main media operators of the countries. Food Bloggers will be also invited, for their relevant role of opinion leaders. There will be a cooking show with high-quality chef.
- Online & offline promotion: website, social networks, press office and press advertisement. The promotion of every single brand is part of an official framework guaranteed by the European Commission. This cooperation is even stronger thanks to the opportunity to be part of an international network
- Incoming: Incoming missions will be arranged in order to realize meetings with sector operators, as buyers, HORECA, retail purchasing managers, wholesalers, catering managers, importers, reporters and opinion leaders. The aim of this activity is to follow up the most promising relationships.
Communication and Marketing
All the best ideas need to be shared in a proper way or nobody will notice them.
We strongly believe in the power of communication. A perfect visual identity will be together with sponsorized campaign created for each countries.
Social network will be used to spread information on the project, on the companies, on the products. A practise tools to create social connections.
There will be promotional and educative videos and an interactive App about the organic world, to inform and spread information about the products with direct connection to the POS in order to let people be interested in buying the products.
For more info visit www.organicityeu.com